Thursday 12 June 2008

Progress in the tunnels

Fennel is planted in batches of 150 in the tunnel, we found that large batches planted outside would bolt before we could sell them and a large proportion would develop undersize bulbs.

The bulbs are developing reasonably well but we still have too many undersized bulbs, we may have to look at the soil fertility for future plantings

Fine beans are planted and starting to grow well but I would anticipate another 3 weeks the beans develop. These particular beans are round podded, have a dark green skin, good texture and flavour. One of our best selling lines in mid summer.

The Aubergines seen below are starting to recover from their earlier set back. I fed them with a plant based organic liquid fertiliser and you can see the lower leaves are taking on a darker green hue. I'm hoping that they will establish now and put on some growth.

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