Monday 4 August 2008

Green Manure sown

The green manure was sown today on the plots destined to be brassica and leeks next season. The seedwas sown broadcast by hand.To cover the seed I used a pole harrow, which gets covered in grass as it is turned on the headlands.

The main area was sown down to a 2year humus building ley (Red clover, cocksfoot grass and chicory), although it may not have that much time before it is rotovated and planted with crop plants.

This season we found the established 2 year ley was more persistent than we would like. In particular the chicory re-grew after two or three cultivations. I hope that if it is established for 1 year or less that incorporating will be easier. We would like to continue with this mix as it does provide good levels of humus but the re-growth can cause significant practical problems.
We are always experimenting with green manures, so far our favourites are:
Red and white clover, sweet clover, humus building ley and rye grass (as shown above) where chickens will be grazed.

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